Tuesday, July 19, 2005

On Bartending

In my pursuit for quick cash I have come across bartending. I have been wanting to be a bartender for a MINUTE!!! I just never had the initial cash to fund the classes.
My friend found a great school that seems to have a very good reputation in the area and also nationwide.(Maryland Bartending) They have a new classes that start every week and the program is 10 classes. In which, you cover all the good stuff including glassware, garnishes, customer service, and of course start you off with a healthy library of drink recipes. They even let you sit in on a class before you register. I recommend a Tuesday or Wednesday since those are the days they show how to make a lot of the drinks.
My classes dont start till August 1st but I did go to the intro class which really peaked my interest. I cant wait till I'm done so I can actually get behind a bar. Dont get me wrong the "school" has a full bar but I want to deal wit real people...ok ok I mean I want to be making money. I'm interested in working at a hotel, bar, or restaurant. I know someone that knows someone that is a manager at a hotel so I'm sure I can get that job. I like restaurants because usually you get to wait tables too. The other thing with that is you also make the drinks for the whole restaurant meaning you get tipped out by all the servers and I guess you wont have to tip anyone out except the busboys. I'd work at a bar that was privately owned so that there wouldnt be a whole lot of bartenders so I could have the bar to myself.
Anyway lets hope I can get through these classes.


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Sunday, May 21, 2006 at 9:56:00 AM EDT  

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