On Kids Today
It is my opinion that kids today are SPOILED. This conclusion is spported by none other than my younger sister. Precious is 9 years old and in the third grade. Apparently my grandparents have been doing her school work for her and then rewarding her for her good grades. Now first of all NOONE was around to help me when I was in school I had to do everything my self and, I was expected to get straight A's. There were no rewards for getting good grades except that I wouldnt get my ass whooped that night. So I find this out because my grandmother sends me an email requesting all this detailed information about pandas. I ask her why and come to find out Precious has a project due on March 1st about pandas. I immediately fly into a fit of rage over the fact that she is not doing her own research and project. So I set out to have her do her own project. Throughout the course of two days I have heard this child say some ridiculous things.When asked "Why would you let gramma do your work?" she responds "Well she has nothing else to do."
She asked me "Brother...why cant you just finish the project on your own?"
She told my gramma "I'm not gonna eat this roast beef [that she made for dinner]because I dont like it I want hotdogs instead."
She called my grandma from the other room to get her arthur the aardvark tape that was directly under the bed she was sitting on.
After finishing the project "YES!! I'm done now what are you going to give me."
Needless to say she got "a stern talking to" after each comment.
The next topic is my 13 year old cousin who got a cell phone...yes a cell phone...for christmas. I got my first cell phone my self when I got to COLLEGE...what the hell does a 13 year old need with a cell phone?! Who is she calling?!!! Anyway she ends up running the phone bill up to $100 with ringtones, text message, and goin over her minutes.(and she still has the phone today) There aint no way that would have flown if it was me.
Of course I'm sure the adults before us think that we are spoiled. This means we are desceding down a never ending spiral and only dicipline can correct this error.
She asked me "Brother...why cant you just finish the project on your own?"
She told my gramma "I'm not gonna eat this roast beef [that she made for dinner]because I dont like it I want hotdogs instead."
She called my grandma from the other room to get her arthur the aardvark tape that was directly under the bed she was sitting on.
After finishing the project "YES!! I'm done now what are you going to give me."
Needless to say she got "a stern talking to" after each comment.
The next topic is my 13 year old cousin who got a cell phone...yes a cell phone...for christmas. I got my first cell phone my self when I got to COLLEGE...what the hell does a 13 year old need with a cell phone?! Who is she calling?!!! Anyway she ends up running the phone bill up to $100 with ringtones, text message, and goin over her minutes.(and she still has the phone today) There aint no way that would have flown if it was me.
Of course I'm sure the adults before us think that we are spoiled. This means we are desceding down a never ending spiral and only dicipline can correct this error.
I hear you on that ... I can't believe she did her project; however, a cell phone at 13 was a mistake... but can I talk? I had a pager! lol... remember those.
I couldnt agree more! So what do you do. Dicipline how. Everybody preaches dicipline but noone can tell me a punishment that will work. Ive allready taken away everything he has exept books and he spends everyday in a small corner of his room (hes 8 by the way) and yet he continues to get in trouble everyday at school, he will not even do the siplest chore without a fight.Ive done everything exept beat his *ss and thats because he wont hold still!
I dont want this behavior to rub off on his 2 younger brothers.So to everyone out there that that believes in DICIPLINE i say show me! Show what the hell will work and return my sweet little boy to me.
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